The Swiss co-production fund
The Swiss fund visions sud est was initiated by the Foundation trigon-film Baden and the Fribourg International Film Festival, with the collaboration of Nyon's Visions du Reel, the Festival del film Locarno and the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. It supports film productions from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe, aims at making them visible worldwide and guarantees their distribution in Switzerland.
The next application deadline is 28th February 2025.
If you consider to apply with a project, please visit the website www.visionssudest.ch where you'll find the regulations and all necessary information for a valid application, including a check list with all required documents. Please pay a close attention to the list of eligible countries.
How to apply
visions sud est c/o Visions du Réel
Place du Marché 2
CH-1260 Nyon